Sunday 24 December 2006


I made it back to Southampton in one piece (I think there's a bit of me on the M1 (the sane part)), just in time to start work at my parents restaurant (I work as a waiter/kitchen staff) . Would have been back earlier to get my DDR(Dancing Stage) fix, but the ended up wasting too much time on house of the dead 4 at some service station >.<. However, since I've been back, I've been working everyday for the past week (parents ask me to, so I can't really say no) and not really had much time to myself. It's so tiring working 11am-midnight everyday, there's so much standing and I'm usually knackered at the end of the day. It's really weird living on someone else's schedule again, but I can't really complain since they're actually paying me for helping out now (I'm no longer a free slave worker, yay).

Just feel slightly depressed at the moment though (don't think listening to Coldplay helped), because today(Saturday) I finished my last-ever shift at the restaurant. While I was at uni, parents decided it was best to close the restaurant and start anew somewhere else in town. Been spending most of the week packing stuff bit by bit (while trying to serve customers, its a hectic combination), but theres just so much of it and so little time (got to get it all packed for Christmas Eve). We've had the restaurant in the family for more than 20 years now (it opened pretty much when I was born, give or take a couple of days), parents and various uncles started it from scratch, but my parents run it now. There's just so much family history and heritage in the place, plus the boxes are so bloody heavy, who would have thought little slices of memories would weigh a tonne!

Managed to get a couple of games of DDR (Dancing Stage) in earlier on in the week. Completed a 8 footer song ('A' by dj Amano) on expert doubles, so it sorta started on a high. Still can't complete Max 300 (again... did it once, the damn 10 footer) or Xepher on doubles yet (9 footer with weird ass timing). Havn't played on it for 3 month's, so I'm a bit rusty on the old 8 arrows.

Knee's started to play up again, been hurting a lot more lately. Hopefully it's more due to the long hours spent standing (which I won't be doing till January, when the new place is up & running) and the carrying of heavy large boxes, then the dance machine (I hope...). Hopefully it'll get better soon so I can attempt stupidly hard songs and actually be able to do a proper gym workout.

I've spent near enough 2 hours writing this post (takes so long to write). There's less than 24 hours till Christmas and I've got more of stuff to pack and move tommorrow (Yay, more Heavy boxes >.<) as well as preperations for the christmas get-together.

Merry Christmas to you all, drink and be merry.

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