Saturday, 7 April 2007

Work? Boring? HELL F***ING, YES!

Dammit! Why does no-one want to eat on Good Friday?!?!
I've just had to sit at work pretending TO work. There was like no one there today, I had naff all to do >.<>ded that they wanted another beer (Woopty f**king doo... -.- pfft...).

Work was so boring that I made a stop motion video (well... not JUST one... A couple...).
They're crap, random and you can see it when I bother editing it :P , but here's a couple of piccy's to wet your appetite :)

-I call it "Ode to snake and frogger", complete with origami models and random sex scenes (ask Angela - she's the criminal mastermind of the sex scenes o.O)

One thing I hate about going home is the missing stuff @ uni when I'm not there. So far, it's been tour and pretty soon, the allstar tryouts =( To think, all I've come back to are problems and work >.<>.<)

Well until someone reminds me I have a blog, have fun.

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