Saturday, 27 January 2007

No updates?!

Erm... Funny story this.
I started writing the blogpost about a week back, but I've been busy(lazy), so it aint finished yet, heh.
It's probably going to end up being very big, although I guess I could always split it up and back-date it, but then that'll just look weird (or not weird, who knows?).

At the moment, I'm supposed to be tidying up for tomorrow, but my arms and shoulders hurt from the gym and I've got a blogpost to write(and chickens can't fly and I need a diaper changing and I've got green hair, etc, etc, etc... Oh the joy of making up excuses...).
Just got back from town with a bunch of Chinese foodstuffs (soy sauce, Chinese vegetables, Chinese air, chinese water (you know, like the ordinary stuff, only Chinese)) for tomorrow when Frosty, Paddy and J are popping round for food.
I should really learn not to agree to stuff when inebriated in any way (shape/form), Heh! I went to town (literally) with the food. Just hope I can remember how to cook it!
I think I'm beginning to get my WoW addiction back... I was planning on being in bed at about midnight last night, because I felt like shit, but a friend gave me a call and I ended up playing WoW till 8am this morning! Definitely not good on the body.

Well, I guess I better be getting back to tidying up (and perhaps making dinner).
Hopefully I can finish the previous blog before I die, heh.
Until next time (or previous time, it depends which post comes first >.<).

Saturday, 6 January 2007

Fine China and an FOB

I went on a random trip to Wembley today with the parents. They needed to pick some stuff up for the new place and someone suggested Ikea to them. We ended up getting lost in Wembley for an hour trying to find the place, because my godbrother decided to use his own map (we left the google directions at home >.<). I think we drove past the new Wembley arena about 4 times today. (The place is HUGE and looks absolutely amazing from the front! Can't wait until they finally finish it.) When we finally got to Ikea, everyone was shocked at the size of it. It was my first time seeing one, I mean I've heard stories (some involving young children and grown men, I won't go into any further details), but this was rediculous, there can't be that amount of furnishings in the world.

The carpark was massive as well, although it took us ages to find a place to park. We put it down to the fact that people were using it for the Tesco's nearby (I think we drove past that 3 times), surely not this many people were interested in home furnishings and such-like.

With the grace of a beached whale, I waltzed in, only to be greeted by a food court (Salvation after a 2 hour drive). Of course, the prospect of cheap and tasty hotdogs did not deter me from the art of picking out fine dinnerware (well, 1 of them didn't, now the other 5...). Spent quite a while browsing through the hoards of stuff they had, it seemed like they had everything you've ever wanted in your home (including the kitchen sink!!!). It's like some magical forest, where kitchen tables roamed free and pillows would stalk fishslices through a valley of Ming vases, while picture frame's would caw perched on their makeshift extension wire trees and baby wax fruit would swing from lighting fixture to lighting fixture all to get into the harmony of the sorted sock draw that is Ikea (meh, I have a big imagination). In the end, we spent about £300 on a couple of nice plates, bowls and a wok along with some other miscilaneous items.

After that, we went to London China Town and I got to act like a proper FOB (albeit the fact that my Chinese was crap). Had some munch then took a look around. It's exciting to go browse the shops and things just to see how it differs from my western norm. Havn't been here in the past 2 years, it's weird to see how everythings changed. It was sad to see a couple of the shops I frequent gone, but they've been replaced by some cool new ones.

If you ever get the chance to go, I recommend going to China China for food (Salt & Pepper Pork Chop with Rice, Mmmm...) and then trying a Pearl Milk tea at the tea shop by the pagoda meeting point :) It's also close to the London Trocadero, so you can have fun in "funland" (the arcade with the really big esacallators).

I'm being dragged off to WoW (god that game is addictive). Till the next post, take care.

Monday, 1 January 2007

New Year :)

Right it's like 5 am in the morning, but it is officially 2007!!! (woo!) The time for new and exciting things to happen and tonnes of exciting things to look forward to. Hope everyone enjoyed new year's eve :). I spent it doing family things, mainly eating, playing cards, drinking too much wine and falling asleep (missed the countdown altogether, doh!).

Mad week for me (exciting news followed by more boring things, yay!). Spent most of my time doing family things like bonding, tidying up and shopping. My family absolutely love the latter. I've probably been to more shopping outlets this week than I've been to for the past 5 years. Shopping Outlets are scary places (even more so, when those famous 4 letters appear in shops). There's like a million people in one place, you can hardly move and they're all fighting to buy exactly the same items (o.O).

This week seems to be a week for seeing people. Yesterday, I met up with a friend from college. She currently goes to the Royal School of Arts. She's so talented with her textiles work it's amazing! We went for a coffee and played a couple of games in the arcade. It was fun, but she kicked my ass at pool. Got her to play on the DDR machine though, she's still a beginner, so maybe it wasn't too good an idea (Hopefully I didn't manage to embaress her too much >.<).

Also, I managed to see someone who I havn't seen in the past 6 years (and havn't properly spoken to since primary school!). It's weird not seeing anyone for the past 9 years and having a chat (It's hard enough to think of what to say when you see someone everyday). Stood in the middle of Debenhams and talked for about an hour. She's studying medicine at Cambridge at the moment. She doing all sorts of cool stuff, although she's got tonnes of work to do. She's changed quite a lot and well, definately got good looking (hehe).

Well I think I might go some more sleep. Time to think of a New Years resolution that I don't intend to keep. Hope you all have a great New Year :)